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Everyone familiar with the frigid winters of the UK knows just how important a role is played by a Central Heating System. In fact, almost 95% of the houses in UK have a central heating system.

What is a Central Heating System, you ask?

As the name suggests, this is a heating system wherein heat is produced at one particular point in the building (not necessarily at the epi-centre), and is distributed to the whole house through air ducts or pipes. As it usually includes an automatic control for the furnace, uniform heat distribution throughout the building is easily ensured.

What are the different types of Central Heating System?

While 89% of homes in England have a Wet Central Heating System, there are 3 different types of systems. These are:

· Wet System

Here, water heated in a boiler is pumped to run through a network of pips installed throughout the house. These pipes are connected to radiators, having valves to control the amount of heat given out. This also provides hot water in taps.

· Warm Air System

Dry systems peaked in the 1960s, but have now been mostly replaced with wet systems. Here, as opposed to the air conditioning systems, cold air is brought in, heated by a central boiler and distributed to all parts of the house with the help of air ducts and vents.

· Storage Heater System

Despite the fact that this system consists of individual storage heaters, they all depend on internal wiring to use electricity for charging. Heat is stored in these units through overnight Economy 7 / 10 tariff charging and gradually released throughout the day.

Is your current Central Heating System good enough?

If you have a boiler at home that is more than 15 years old, then it is time to go for an upgrade. That is of course if you want to reduce your carbon footprint, while also conserving your money! Not only are the new age boilers more energy efficient, but also, as boilers age, their capacity to convert energy to heat declines significantly. The UK Government is providing Central Heating Grants, in light of its commitment to have net zero carbon emissions by the year 2050. With this in mind, WarmFront is here to help you in your transition to renewable energy heating systems at your homes.

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